
BEYOND LANGUAGE 2023 Conference (June 1st – June 4th, 2023)

All hours of the presentations are given according to Polish and Italian time (UTC+2).

DAY 1 (Thursday)
1 June 2023 (Rome)
Conference venue: Marco Polo Building, Circonvallazione Tiburtina 4, ground floor, room T02
9.00 a.m. prof. Francesca Terrenato (Sapienza University of Rome)
prof. Piotr P. Chruszczewski (University of Wrocław)
9.10 – 9.45 prof. Camilla Miglio (Sapienza University of Rome)
The Vita Activa of Translation
9.45 – 10.20 prof. Patrizia Manduchi (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy)
On the Meaning of Nationalism in the Arab World
10.20 – 10.30 DISCUSSION
10.30 – 10.40 Olga Pankalla (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Przeproszenie, przebaczenie i pojednanie jako karnoprocesowe rytuały językowe [Apology, Forgiveness and Reconciliation as Linguistic Rituals in Criminal Procedural Law]
10.40 – 10.50 Maciej Bandur (Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Reflexive sã and so in New Speakers’ Kashubian
10.50 – 11.00 Jan Krzywdziński (University of Wroclaw)
Lęk magiczno-religijny przed przełamaniem tabu w listach z Polskiego Korpusu Listów Pożegnalnych [Magical-Religious Fear of Breaking Taboos in Letters from the Polish Corpus of Suicide Notes]
11.00 – 11.10 Dobrochna Marchwiak, Maria Kubzdela (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
The Lost Perspective. Body and Landscape in the Elegy: “Iter Romanum” written by Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski in the Context of Affective Turn
11.10 – 11.20 Alicja Plust (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Lyrically Outlined Development of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski’s “Iter Romanum” and the History behind the Public Traffic Laws from Anquity to the Present Day
11.20 – 11.30 DISCUSSION
11.30 – 11.40 Agata Kalemba, Karol Wapniarski, Łukasz Płuciennik (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Aftermath of the Sarbiewki’s Work
11.40 – 11.50 Konrad Nakielski, Marcin Woziwodzki, Jan Gil (Adam Mickiewicz University,
Theological Thought of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski
11.50 – 12.00 Aleksandra Kulbacka, Julia Grzegorek (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Analysis of Activities Aimed at Popularizing the Works of M.K. Sarbiewski – the Most Outstanding Polish Neo-Latin Poet of the 17th Century
12.00 – 12.10 Aleksander Knobel, Katarzyna Woźniak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Sarbiewski’s “Iter Romanum”, or a Modern Linguistic Approach to XVIIth Century Universalism
12.10 – 12.20 Albert Jasiński, Julia Kiszewska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
The Analysis and the History of the Letter on the Basis of “Iter Romanum” by Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski
12.20 – 12.30 DISCUSSION
12.30 – 13.40 LUNCH
13.40 – 13.50 Jan Banowski, Jakub Ostrowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Myths Over the Years – Modern Reception of the Old Tales
13.50 – 14.00 Karolina Majchrzak, Marta Kżuchowska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
The “Dolce Vita” Myth – Classical and Contemporary Idea of Italy in Culture and Philosophy
14.00 – 14.10 Agnieszka Forysiak, Maja Mikołajczak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Modern Tourism as a Changing Force in Europe
14.10 – 14.20 Feliks Fiedler, Murad Sharifzade, Yulija Kudrytskaya (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
The Importance of Music in the Development of Liepzig as a Tourist Destination
14.20 – 14.30 Asim Babayev, Murad Jafarli, Nijat Babakhanov (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
The Role of Silk Road in the Modern Society of Azerbaijan
14.30 – 14.40 DISCUSSION
14.40 – 14.50 Rosine Inema, Borys Michałowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
The Role of Mongols in Early Propagation of Gunpowder
14.50 – 15.00 Konstancja Hreczycho, Mikołaj Keczyński, Dominika Szeidel
Venice – Film Image and Reality
15.00 – 15.10 Julia Cichecka, Joanna Sztanka, Konrad Kalina-Dzwonkowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Travel Superstitions as a Guarantee of a Safe Trip
15.10 – 15.20 Julia Anusiak, Maria Bartkowiak, Iga Naskręt (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Forgotten Journeys: Women Who Discovered the World
15.20 – 15.30 DISCUSSION
DAY 2 (Friday)
2 June 2023 (online)
The link to the conference on Google MEET platform is:
9.00 – 9.15 Ciro Porcaro (Sapienza University of Rome – Charles University in Prague)
Von den „Luftgebäuden“ der Philosophie in der Stadt der Sprache: An Analysis of the Metaphors Adopted in the First Part of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations
9.15 – 9.30 Muhammad Farris Imadi Fuze (The National University of Malaysia)
Madam ka Banua Orang’: Reevaluating the Current Status of Banjarese People in Malaysia
9.30 – 9.45 Michał Fijałkiewicz (University of Warsaw)
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Contemporary Research on Multimodality
9.45 – 10.00 Luca Baruffa (Sapienza University of Rome)
Good Witch, Bad Witch: Witchcraft in the Brothers Grimm’s Deutsche Sagen. An Anthropological Approach to the Study of ‘benandantism’ in German and Italian Folklore
10.00 – 10.15 Anna Chudzik (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
Punkt widzenia jako amalgamat i jego potencjał komiczny [Point of View as an Amalgam and its Comic Potential]
10.15 – 10.25 DISCUSSION
10.25 – 10.40 Joanna Nachman (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
A Year of War in Ukraine: Linguistic Situation of Ukrainian Pupils and Language Brokers in Polish Schools
10.40 – 10.55 Natalia Wieczorek (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Galdos, Czechow i Tolkien – trzej wielcy architekci literackiej czasoprzestrzeni. Kreacja powieściowego chronotopu w ujęciu teorii Bachtina [Galdos, Chekhov and Tolkien – Three Great Architects of Literary Time-Space. The Creation of a Novelistic Chronotope in Terms of Bakhtin’s Theory]
10.55 – 11.10 Michał Szymon Drążek (University of Wroclaw)
Formosa or Taiwan: Endonyms in Contemporary Politics
11.10 – 11.25 Ilia Kozlov (Sapienza University of Rome – Charles University in Prague)
Behind the Byline: Authorship in News Discourse
11.25 – 11.40 Natalia Rzonsowska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Exploring Linguistic Change in the Late 18th Century: A Study of Negation in Mariana Starke’s Correspondence
11.40 – 11.50 DISCUSSION
11.50 – 12.05 Liviu-Andrei Dobre (University of Bucharest)
An Investigation into the Representation of „Divine” in Romanian Hip-Hop Music
12.05 – 12.20 Emilio Calvani (Sapienza University of Rome – Charles University in Prague)
Beyond Authenticity – Suburban Swedish in Tv-series Snabba Cash
12.20 – 12.35 Paola Ferrandi (Sapienza University of Rome – Charles University in Prague)
Žizn’ Il’I Stepanoviča: a Narratological Analysis of a “Socialist Realist” Short Story by Vasilij S. Grossman
12.35 – 12.50 Iwona Skiba (University of Wrocław)
Is it Possible to Recount ‘Suicide’? Jean Améry’ s Attempt to Describe Condition Suicidaire (the Suicidial Condition)
12.50 – 13.05 Steven Jarosz, Joanna Ryszka, Aleksandra Ryś (University of Silesia in Katowice, Sapienza University of Rome)
Linguistic Heritage — on Yiddish Loanwords and their Status in English, Polish and Japanese: Corpus and Lexicographic Study/Analysis
13.05 – 13.20 Paweł Lisik (University of Wrocław)
The Impact of African American Vernacular English on Society, Culture, and Other Dialects
13.20 – 13.35 Joanna Nachman (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
A Year of War in Ukraine: Linguistic Situation of Ukrainian Pupils and Language Brokers in Polish Schools
13.35 – 13.45 DISCUSSION
DAY 3 (Saturday)
3 June 2023 (online)
The link to the conference on Google MEET platform is:
8.00 – 8.30 Prof. Patricia von Münchow (Université Paris Cité, France)
« Studies in “Vertical” and “Horizontal” Contrastive Discourse Analysis. Comparing Discursive Cultures Across Time and Space »
8.30 – 9.00 Prof. Aleksandra Nowakowska (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, France)
Pojęcie dialogiczności w zastosowaniu do Opowieści Jakubowych Olgi Tokarczuk, czyli co francuska analiza dyskursu może wnieść do studiów literackich [The Notion of Dialogicality as Applied to Olga Tokarczuk’s The Books of Jacob – what French Discourse Analysis Can Bring to Literary Studies]
9.00 – 9.10 DISCUSSION
9.10 – 9.25 Konrad Klimkowski (Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin)
Machine Translators as Tools for Everyday Plurilingual Practices: the Case of BA Students’ Use of Online Machine Translation
9.25 – 9.40 Paweł Giwojno (Committee for Philology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław Branch)
Not Only Sushi. President Trump and President Obama in Japan. A Comparative Study of Contemporary American Presidential Discourse
9.40 – 9.55 Aleksandra Szczęsna (University of Warsaw)
Challenges of Minority Language Formal Education on Example of Kashubian Language in Poland
9.55 – 10.10 Aleksandra Jaworska (University of Wroclaw)
Status Słoweńców karynckich na podstawie tekstów literackich Mai Haderlap oraz Petera Handekego [The Position of Carinthian Slovenes Based on the Literary Texts by Maja Haderlap and Peter Handke]
10.10 – 10.25 Serena Sapienza (Sapienza University of Rome)
Atlantis from the Anthropocene: Anja Kampmann’s Poems in der hund ist immer hungrig
10.25 – 10.35 DISCUSSION
10.35 – 10.50 Dominika Gunzer (University of Wrocław)
Badanie socjologiczne. Kobieta nowoczesna. Porównanie obrazu kobiety nowoczesnej w grupie kobiet i mężczyzn [Modern Woman. Comparison of the Image of a Modern Woman in a Group of Women and Men]
10.50 – 11.05 Agnieszka Wilk (University of Rzeszów)
The Importance of Translation Differences in Informative Texts – an Analysis of the “Kitchen Table Tarot” Guide Text and its Translation
11.05 – 11.20 Maria Stryszewska (University of Wrocław)
Formal and Semantic Analysis of Habitative Adjectives in Slavic Languages
11.20 – 11.35 Marta E. Strukowska (Poznań University of Technology)
From the Pandemic to the Climate Crisis to Nuclear Proliferation to the Fourth Industrial Revolution; Towards Creating Effective Leadership in the Times of Crisis. A Case Study of President Joe Biden
11.35 – 11.50 Jakub Zbądzki (University of Wrocław)
Re-exploring Carlo Marsuppini’s Potential Footprint on Elisio Calenzio’s Croacus
11.50 – 12.05 DISCUSSION
12.05 – 12.20 Ali DUR (Akdeniz University in Turkey)
Discoursal Style in Melville’s Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street
12.20 – 12.35 Magdalena Lobert (University of Warsaw)
Place Names in Southern Warmia. Observations on the Activities of the Commission for the Determination of Place Names on the Example of Toponyms of the Communes of Gietrzwałd and Stawiguda
12.35 – 12.50 Jan Załęcki (University of Wrocław)
Scenes on the Periphery. Dutch Literature in Polish Theaters from 2012 to 2022
12.50 – 13.05 Jagoda Ołdak (University of Warsaw, Eberhard Karls Universität in Tübingen)
The Question of Romansh Language: Opportunities and Challenges
13.05 – 13.20 Jakub Kubś (University of Wrocław)
The Emergence of the Word “Cannibal” Due to Linguistic Misunderstandings: Tracing the Encounter between European Explorers and Native Indians
13.20 – 13.30 DISCUSSION
DAY 4 (Sunday)
4 June 2023 (Wrocław)
Conference venue: Aula Leopoldina, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław
8.25 a.m. prof. Robert Wieczorek (Vice-Rector for Finance and Development, University of Wrocław)
prof. Piotr P. Chruszczewski (University of Wrocław)
8.30 – 9.10 prof. Izabela Gatkowska (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
Potencjał badawczy eksperymentalnej sieci leksykalnej języka polskiego – wybrane aspekty [Aspects of the Research Potential in an Experimental Lexical Network of Polish]
9.10 – 9.50 prof. Wojciech Soliński (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Bohumil Hrabal i Umberto Eco ad usum Delphini?
9.50 – 10.00 DISCUSSION
10.00 – 10.15 Ewa Matkowska (University of Wrocław)
Topos and Topography of Italy in Contemporary German Literature
10.15 – 10.30 Aleksandra R. Knapik (Committee for Philology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław Branch)
The Demise of Maltese Dialects from the Perspective of Contact Linguistics
10.30 – 10.45 Martina Mecco (Sapienza University of Rome – Charles University in Prague)
“Lingvistická smetánka”: Roman Jakobson and Petr Bogatyrev in Interwar Czechoslovakia
10.45 – 11.00 Nataliia Romanyshyn (Lviv Polytechnic National University)
Concept “Volia” in Modern Ukrainian Language: New Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of Conceptual Content
11.00 – 11.15 Marta Belia (Sapienza University of Rome)
The Principle of Stratification in the Texts of Ivan Wernisch
11.15 – 11.25 DISCUSSION
11.25 – 11.40 Izabela Poręba (University of Wrocław)
Metaphors of In-Betweenness. Three Literary Representations of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: Dabydeen’s Turner, Harris’s Limbo Dance and Walcott’s Odyssey
11.40 – 11.55 Anna Maciejewska (University of Wrocław)
Legenda Niccolò Machiavellego w twórczości Wespazjana Kochowskiego; The Legend of Niccolò Machiavelli in the Works of Vespasian Kochowski
11.55 – 12.10 Grzegorz Sus (University of Wrocław)
The Critique of Destiny in the 6th Book of Praeparatio Evangelica (Προπαρασκευή Εὐαγγελική) of Eusebius of Caesarea
12.10 – 12.20 DISCUSSION
prof. dr. Annalisa Cosentino, Sapienza – University of Rome, IT
prof. dr. Francesca Terrenato, Sapienza – University of Rome, IT
prof. dr. Camelia M. Cmeciu, University of Bucharest, RO
prof. dr. Anna Wojtyś, University of Warsaw, PL
prof. dr. Izabela Gatkowska, Jagiellonian University, PL
prof. dr. Elżbieta Biardzka, University of Wrocław, PL
prof. dr. Dorota Kołodziejczyk, University of Wrocław, PL
prof. dr. Witold Ucherek, University of Wrocław, PL
prof. dr. Konrad Dominas, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, PL
prof. dr. Rafał Dymczyk, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, PL
prof. dr. Barbara Kalla, University of Wrocław, PL
prof. dr. Agata Kowalska-Szubert, University of Wrocław, PL
dr. Joanna Esquibel, Æ Academic Publishing, San Diego, USA
dr. Katarzyna Buczek, University of Opole, PL
dr. Aleksandra R. Knapik, Committee for Philology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław Branch, PL
dr. Paweł M. Owsianny, Adam Mickiewicz University, Piła PL
prof. dr. Piotr P. Chruszczewski, University of Wrocław, PL